Blog: kubeadm: Use etcd Learner to Join a Control Plane Node Safely

Author: Paco Xu (DaoCloud)

The kubeadm tool now supports etcd learner mode, which
allows you to enhance the resilience and stability
of your Kubernetes clusters by leveraging the learner mode
feature introduced in etcd version 3.4.
This guide will walk you through using etcd learner mode with kubeadm. By default, kubeadm runs
a local etcd instance on each control plane node.

In v1.27, kubeadm introduced a new feature gate EtcdLearnerMode. With this feature gate enabled,
when joining a new control plane node, a new etcd member will be created as a learner and
promoted to a voting member only after the etcd data are fully aligned.

What are the advantages of using etcd learner mode?

etcd learner mode offers several compelling reasons to consider its adoption
in Kubernetes clusters:

  1. Enhanced Resilience: etcd learner nodes are non-voting members that catch up with
    the leader’s logs before becoming fully operational. This prevents new cluster members
    from disrupting the quorum or causing leader elections, making the cluster more resilient
    during membership changes.
  2. Reduced Cluster Unavailability: Traditional approaches to adding new members often
    result in cluster unavailability periods, especially in slow infrastructure or misconfigurations.
    etcd learner mode minimizes such disruptions.
  3. Simplified Maintenance: Learner nodes provide a safer and reversible way to add or replace
    cluster members. This reduces the risk of accidental cluster outages due to misconfigurations or
    missteps during member additions.
  4. Improved Network Tolerance: In scenarios involving network partitions, learner mode allows
    for more graceful handling. Depending on the partition a new member lands, it can seamlessly
    integrate with the existing cluster without causing disruptions.

In summary, the etcd learner mode improves the reliability and manageability of Kubernetes clusters
during member additions and changes, making it a valuable feature for cluster operators.

How nodes join a cluster that’s using the new mode

Create a Kubernetes cluster backed by etcd in learner mode

For a general explanation about creating highly available clusters with kubeadm, you can refer to
Creating Highly Available Clusters with kubeadm.

To create a Kubernetes cluster, backed by etcd in learner mode, using kubeadm, follow these steps:

# kubeadm init --feature-gates=EtcdLearnerMode=true ...
kubeadm init --config=kubeadm-config.yaml

The kubeadm configuration file is like below:

kind: ClusterConfiguration
 EtcdLearnerMode: true

The kubeadm tool deploys a single-node Kubernetes cluster with etcd set to use learner mode.

Join nodes to the Kubernetes cluster

Before joining a control-plane node to the new Kubernetes cluster, ensure that the existing control plane nodes
and all etcd members are healthy.

Check the cluster health with etcdctl. If etcdctl isn’t available, you can run this tool inside a container image.
You would do that directly with your container runtime using a tool such as crictl run and not through Kubernetes

Here is an example on a client command that uses secure communication to check the cluster health of the etcd cluster:

ETCDCTL_API=3 etcdctl --endpoints 
 member list
dc543c4d307fadb9, started, node1,,, false

To check if the Kubernetes control plane is healthy, run kubectl get node -l
and check if the nodes are ready.

Note: It is recommended to have an odd number of members in a etcd cluster.

Before joining a worker node to the new Kubernetes cluster, ensure that the control plane nodes are healthy.

What’s next


Was this guide helpful? If you have any feedback or encounter any issues, please let us know.
Your feedback is always welcome! Join the bi-weekly SIG Cluster Lifecycle meeting
or weekly kubeadm office hours. Or reach us via Slack (channel #kubeadm), or the SIG’s mailing list.

Originally posted on Kubernetes – Production-Grade Container Orchestration

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