Blog: Kubernetes 1.28: Improved failure handling for Jobs

Authors: Kevin Hannon (G-Research), Michał Woźniak (Google)

This blog discusses two new features in Kubernetes 1.28 to improve Jobs for batch
users: Pod replacement policy
and Backoff limit per index.

These features continue the effort started by the
Pod failure policy
to improve the handling of Pod failures in a Job.

Pod replacement policy

By default, when a pod enters a terminating state (e.g. due to preemption or
eviction), Kubernetes immediately creates a replacement Pod. Therefore, both Pods are running
at the same time. In API terms, a pod is considered terminating when it has a
deletionTimestamp and it has a phase Pending or Running.

The scenario when two Pods are running at a given time is problematic for
some popular machine learning frameworks, such as
TensorFlow and JAX, which require at most one Pod running at the same time,
for a given index.
Tensorflow gives the following error if two pods are running for a given index.

 /job:worker/task:4: Duplicate task registration with task_name=/job:worker/replica:0/task:4

See more details in the (issue).

Creating the replacement Pod before the previous one fully terminates can also
cause problems in clusters with scarce resources or with tight budgets, such as:

  • cluster resources can be difficult to obtain for Pods pending to be scheduled,
    as Kubernetes might take a long time to find available nodes until the existing
    Pods are fully terminated.
  • if cluster autoscaler is enabled, the replacement Pods might produce undesired
    scale ups.

How can you use it?

This is an alpha feature, which you can enable by turning on JobPodReplacementPolicy
feature gate in
your cluster.

Once the feature is enabled in your cluster, you can use it by creating a new Job that specifies a
podReplacementPolicy field as shown here:

kind: Job
 name: new
 podReplacementPolicy: Failed

In that Job, the Pods would only be replaced once they reached the Failed phase,
and not when they are terminating.

Additionally, you can inspect the .status.terminating field of a Job. The value
of the field is the number of Pods owned by the Job that are currently terminating.

kubectl get jobs/myjob -o=jsonpath='{.items[*].status.terminating}'
3 # three Pods are terminating and have not yet reached the Failed phase

This can be particularly useful for external queueing controllers, such as
Kueue, that tracks quota
from running Pods of a Job until the resources are reclaimed from
the currently terminating Job.

Note that the podReplacementPolicy: Failed is the default when using a custom
Pod failure policy.

Backoff limit per index

By default, Pod failures for Indexed Jobs
are counted towards the global limit of retries, represented by .spec.backoffLimit.
This means, that if there is a consistently failing index, it is restarted
repeatedly until it exhausts the limit. Once the limit is reached the entire
Job is marked failed and some indexes may never be even started.

This is problematic for use cases where you want to handle Pod failures for
every index independently. For example, if you use Indexed Jobs for running
integration tests where each index corresponds to a testing suite. In that case,
you may want to account for possible flake tests allowing for 1 or 2 retries per
suite. There might be some buggy suites, making the corresponding
indexes fail consistently. In that case you may prefer to limit retries for
the buggy suites, yet allowing other suites to complete.

The feature allows you to:

  • complete execution of all indexes, despite some indexes failing.
  • better utilize the computational resources by avoiding unnecessary retries of consistently failing indexes.

How can you use it?

This is an alpha feature, which you can enable by turning on the
feature gate
in your cluster.

Once the feature is enabled in your cluster, you can create an Indexed Job with the
.spec.backoffLimitPerIndex field specified.


The following example demonstrates how to use this feature to make sure the
Job executes all indexes (provided there is no other reason for the early Job
termination, such as reaching the activeDeadlineSeconds timeout, or being
manually deleted by the user), and the number of failures is controlled per index.

apiVersion: batch/v1
kind: Job
 name: job-backoff-limit-per-index-execute-all
 completions: 8
 parallelism: 2
 completionMode: Indexed
 backoffLimitPerIndex: 1
 restartPolicy: Never
 - name: example # this example container returns an error, and fails,
 # when it is run as the second or third index in any Job
 # (even after a retry) 
 image: python
 - python3
 - -c
 - |
 import os, sys, time
 id = int(os.environ.get("JOB_COMPLETION_INDEX"))
 if id == 1 or id == 2:

Now, inspect the Pods after the job is finished:

kubectl get pods -l job-name=job-backoff-limit-per-index-execute-all

Returns output similar to this:

job-backoff-limit-per-index-execute-all-0-b26vc 0/1 Completed 0 49s
job-backoff-limit-per-index-execute-all-1-6j5gd 0/1 Error 0 49s
job-backoff-limit-per-index-execute-all-1-6wd82 0/1 Error 0 37s
job-backoff-limit-per-index-execute-all-2-c66hg 0/1 Error 0 32s
job-backoff-limit-per-index-execute-all-2-nf982 0/1 Error 0 43s
job-backoff-limit-per-index-execute-all-3-cxmhf 0/1 Completed 0 33s
job-backoff-limit-per-index-execute-all-4-9q6kq 0/1 Completed 0 28s
job-backoff-limit-per-index-execute-all-5-z9hqf 0/1 Completed 0 28s
job-backoff-limit-per-index-execute-all-6-tbkr8 0/1 Completed 0 23s
job-backoff-limit-per-index-execute-all-7-hxjsq 0/1 Completed 0 22s

Additionally, you can take a look at the status for that Job:

kubectl get jobs job-backoff-limit-per-index-fail-index -o yaml

The output ends with a status similar to:

 completedIndexes: 0,3-7
 failedIndexes: 1,2
 succeeded: 6
 failed: 4
 - message: Job has failed indexes
 reason: FailedIndexes
 status: "True"
 type: Failed

Here, indexes 1 and 2 were both retried once. After the second failure,
in each of them, the specified .spec.backoffLimitPerIndex was exceeded, so
the retries were stopped. For comparison, if the per-index backoff was disabled,
then the buggy indexes would retry until the global backoffLimit was exceeded,
and then the entire Job would be marked failed, before some of the higher
indexes are started.

How can you learn more?

Getting Involved

These features were sponsored by SIG Apps. Batch use cases are actively
being improved for Kubernetes users in the
batch working group.
Working groups are relatively short-lived initiatives focused on specific goals.
The goal of the WG Batch is to improve experience for batch workload users, offer support for
batch processing use cases, and enhance the
Job API for common use cases. If that interests you, please join the working
group either by subscriping to our
mailing list or on


As with any Kubernetes feature, multiple people contributed to getting this
done, from testing and filing bugs to reviewing code.

We would not have been able to achieve either of these features without Aldo
Culquicondor (Google) providing excellent domain knowledge and expertise
throughout the Kubernetes ecosystem.

Originally posted on Kubernetes – Production-Grade Container Orchestration

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