Vault Learning Resources: 1.1, Caching, Kubernetes, Unseal, Azure, Replication

We are excited to announce additional hands-on guides to help you learn and integrate Vault as your secret management solution. Some of the pre-existing guides have also recently been updated.

What’s New?

What’s updated?

[BETA]Vault Agent Caching

Vault 1.1 Beta is now available. Vault Agent Caching allows client-side caching of responses containing newly created tokens and responses containing leased secrets generated off of these newly created tokens. Cached secret renewals are also managed by the agent.

Try the Vault 1.1 Beta today!

Monitoring Vault Replication

Do you have Vault Enterprise clusters with Performance Replication and/or Disaster Recovery Replication enabled? If “yes”, this is the guide for you.

Monitoring Vault Replication guide covers the following topics:

  • Replication Status Check
  • Port Traffic Consideration with Amazon ELB
  • Write-Ahead Log (WAL) Replays
  • Key Monitoring Metrics
  • Vault Configuration Consideration
  • Update Replication Primary

With this addition, the Day 1: Deploying Your First Vault Cluster track now looks like:

Auto-unseal with Azure Key Vault

This guide demonstrates how to implement and use the Vault auto-unseal feature using Azure Key Vault. You will perform the following steps:

  • Provision necessary Azure cloud resources using Terraform
  • Verify the auto-unseal feature
  • Clean up

Vault – Direct App Integration

The long wait is over! Consul Template 0.20.0 introduced support for the Key/Value secrets engine v2. To demonstrate the usage of Consul Template and Envconsul with Vault, a new interactive in-browser Katacoda scenario has been added. It’s free and there is no need to install anything. Learn to use these auxiliary tools that can help integrate your applications with Vault by visiting Katacoda.

Vault Agent with Kubernetes

For those who wish to test the Kubernetes authentication method against Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) cluster, additional information has been added to the guide.

A Terrform file is provided for creating a new AKS cluster on which to test.

Originally posted on Hashicorp Blog
Author: Yoko Hyakuna

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