Improve Your App Testing With Amplify Console’s Pull Request Previews and Cypress Testing

Amplify Console allows developers to easly configure a Git-based workflow for continuous deployment and hosting of fullstack serverless web apps. Fullstack serverless apps comprise of backend resources such as GraphQL APIs, Data and File Storage, Authentication, or Analytics, integrated with a frontend framework such as React, Gatsby, or Angular. You can read more about the Read more about Improve Your App Testing With Amplify Console’s Pull Request Previews and Cypress Testing[…]

Amplify Console – Hosting for Fullstack Serverless Web Apps

AWS Amplify Console is a fullstack web app hosting service, with continuous deployment from your preferred source code repository. Amplify Console has been introduced in November 2018 at AWS re:Invent. Since then, the team has been listening to customer feedback and iterated quickly to release several new features, here is a short re:Cap. Instant Cache Read more about Amplify Console – Hosting for Fullstack Serverless Web Apps[…]

Amazon Transcribe Streaming Now Supports WebSockets

I love services like Amazon Transcribe. They are the kind of just-futuristic-enough technology that excites my imagination the same way that magic does. It’s incredible that we have accurate, automatic speech recognition for a variety of languages and accents, in real-time. There are so many use-cases, and nearly all of them are intriguing. Until now, Read more about Amazon Transcribe Streaming Now Supports WebSockets[…]