AnsibleFest Atlanta – Getting Started


On Wednesday we took a closer look at the Networking Automation track. Soon you will be able to start building out your schedule for AnsibleFest, so we want to help you figure out what tracks and sessions will be best for you! We talked with Track Lead Jake Jackson to learn more about the Getting Started track and the sessions within it. 

Who is this track best for? 

This track is best for people who are new to Ansible, whether that is in application or in concept. Many of these breakout sessions are introductory in nature for people who want to learn more about Ansible and how it works.

What topics will this track cover? 

This track will cover several topics. It includes introductions to Ansible and Ansible Tower, and a deeper dive into Ansible inventories. It also discusses bite-size ways to automate and manage Windows the same way you would linux. There will also be a session that introduces using Ansible in CI and analyzing roles.

What should attendees expect to learn from this track? 

Attendees can expect to learn the basics of Ansible and Ansible Tower from this track. They can also learn how to use and evaluate community roles, using Ansible in a CI platform and how you can manage Windows like linux. 

Where would you expect to find attendees of this track to hangout online?

If attendees are looking to learn more or have questions after AnsibleFest, online communities like Stackoverflow, reddit, Twitter, github, and #ansible on freenode (irc).

What workshop would you recommend that would compliment the sessions in this track?

Ansible for Red Hat Enterprise Linux Workshop is a great compliment to this track. However, workshops have limited space and fill up quickly, so make sure to register for AnsibleFest so you can sign up for workshops!

Originally posted on Ansible Blog

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