Announcing Run Notifications in Terraform Enterprise

We are pleased to announce Notifications for run events in Terraform Enterprise.

Provisioning infrastructure in Terraform involves a multi-stage run including a plan stage showing the predicted operations Terraform will make and an apply stage where Terraform calls provider API’s to provision the infrastructure. Previously, in order to keep up with this progress you needed to either watch the run in the Terraform Enterprise UI or periodically poll the TFE API.

Run Notifications

Today, with the release of Notifications, you’ll be able to configure your workspaces to send you messages as the run advances.

During creation of your notification configuration you’ll be able to select which events you would like to be notified about, ensuring only those states which matter to you get sent along.

With our Slack payload option, you can start receiving updates on your runs directly in Slack. Using our generic payload option, you’ll be able to receive these notifications and process them however you see fit.


For more information, including a detailed guide on how to create and use notifications, please see our documentation.

Originally posted on Hashicorp Blog
Author: Casey Lang

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