Linux containers rebuilt

A Jenkins job mistakenly rebuilt the Linux container images for recent Jenkins weekly releases and recent Jenkins LTS releases. Users that downloaded some of those Linux container images received container images that could not run the Jenkins controller. The incorrect container images would fail to run with the message that Jenkins is not supported with Read more about Linux containers rebuilt[…]

Jira for the Jenkins project

The Jenkins project has used Jira Software for issue tracking since 2005. Jira has been our issue and enhancement tracking system for almost as long as Jenkins core has existed. Jenkins core and most Jenkins plugins track issues and enhancements through a Jira instance hosted for the Jenkins project by the Linux Foundation. We’re pleased Read more about Jira for the Jenkins project[…]

Jira upgrade for the Jenkins project

The Jenkins project has used Jira to track issues for many years. Jenkins core, Jenkins modules, Jenkins infrastructure, and many Jenkins plugins manage their issue reports with our Jira server. Jira helps the Jenkins project manage issues and tasks related to over 250 000 Jenkins installations. It tracks bugs, enhancement requests, tasks, and security issues. It Read more about Jira upgrade for the Jenkins project[…]

Introducing the Jira Software plugin for Jenkins

This is a guest post by Rafal Myslek from Atlassian. According to a recent survey we conducted, software & IT teams on average use 4+ tools to move code from development to customer-facing production. As a result, teams struggle with keeping the status of work updated and understanding the overall health of their delivery pipeline. Read more about Introducing the Jira Software plugin for Jenkins[…]