Blog: Kubernetes 1.26: We’re now signing our binary release artifacts!

Author: Sascha Grunert

The Kubernetes Special Interest Group (SIG) Release is proud to announce that we
are digitally signing all release artifacts, and that this aspect of Kubernetes
has now reached beta.

Signing artifacts provides end users a chance to verify the integrity of the
downloaded resource. It allows to mitigate man-in-the-middle attacks directly on
the client side and therefore ensures the trustfulness of the remote serving the
artifacts. The overall goal of out past work was to define the used tooling for
signing all Kubernetes related artifacts as well as providing a standard signing
process for related projects (for example for those in kubernetes-sigs).

We already signed all officially released container images (from Kubernetes v1.24 onwards).
Image signing was alpha for v1.24 and v1.25. For v1.26, we’ve added all
binary artifacts to the signing process as well! This means that now all
client, server and source tarballs, binary artifacts,
Software Bills of Material (SBOMs) as well as the build
will be signed using cosign. Technically
speaking, we now ship additional *.sig (signature) and *.cert (certificate)
files side by side to the artifacts for verifying their integrity.

To verify an artifact, for example kubectl, you can download the
signature and certificate alongside with the binary. I use the release candidate
rc.1 of v1.26 for demonstration purposes because the final has not been released yet:

curl -sSfL -o kubectl
curl -sSfL -o kubectl.sig
curl -sSfL -o kubectl.cert

Then you can verify kubectl using cosign:

COSIGN_EXPERIMENTAL=1 cosign verify-blob kubectl --signature kubectl.sig --certificate kubectl.cert
tlog entry verified with uuid: 5d54b39222e3fa9a21bcb0badd8aac939b4b0d1d9085b37f1f10b18a8cd24657 index: 8173886
Verified OK

The UUID can be used to query the rekor transparency log:

rekor-cli get --uuid 5d54b39222e3fa9a21bcb0badd8aac939b4b0d1d9085b37f1f10b18a8cd24657
LogID: c0d23d6ad406973f9559f3ba2d1ca01f84147d8ffc5b8445c224f98b9591801d
Index: 8173886
IntegratedTime: 2022-11-30T18:59:07Z
UUID: 24296fb24b8ad77a5d54b39222e3fa9a21bcb0badd8aac939b4b0d1d9085b37f1f10b18a8cd24657
Body: {
"HashedRekordObj": {
"data": {
"hash": {
"algorithm": "sha256",
"value": "982dfe7eb5c27120de6262d30fa3e8029bc1da9e632ce70570e9c921d2851fc2"
"signature": {
"content": "MEQCIH0e1/0svxMoLzjeyhAaLFSHy5ZaYy0/2iQl2t3E0Pj4AiBsWmwjfLzrVyp9/v1sy70Q+FHE8miauOOVkAW2lTYVug==",
"publicKey": {

The HashedRekordObj.signature.content should match the content of the file
kubectl.sig and HashedRekordObj.signature.publicKey.content should be
identical with the contents of kubectl.cert. It is also possible to specify
the remote certificate and signature locations without downloading them:

COSIGN_EXPERIMENTAL=1 cosign verify-blob kubectl 
tlog entry verified with uuid: 5d54b39222e3fa9a21bcb0badd8aac939b4b0d1d9085b37f1f10b18a8cd24657 index: 8173886
Verified OK

All of the mentioned steps as well as how to verify container images are
outlined in the official documentation about how to Verify Signed Kubernetes
. In one of the next upcoming Kubernetes releases we will
working making the global story more mature by ensuring that truly all
Kubernetes artifacts are signed. Beside that, we are considering using Kubernetes
owned infrastructure for the signing (root trust) and verification (transparency
log) process.

Getting involved

If you’re interested in contributing to SIG Release, then consider applying for
the upcoming v1.27 shadowing program (watch for the announcement on
k-dev) or join our weekly meeting to say hi.

We’re looking forward to making even more of those awesome changes for future
Kubernetes releases. For example, we’re working on the SLSA Level 3 Compliance
in the Kubernetes Release Process
or the Renaming of the kubernetes/kubernetes
default branch name to main

Thank you for reading this blog post! I’d like to use this opportunity to give
all involved SIG Release folks a special shout-out for shipping this feature in

Feel free to reach out to us by using the SIG Release mailing list or
the #sig-release Slack channel.

Additional resources

Originally posted on Kubernetes – Production-Grade Container Orchestration

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