Blog: Updating NGINX-Ingress to use the stable Ingress API

Authors: James Strong, Ricardo Katz

With all Kubernetes APIs, there is a process to creating, maintaining, and
ultimately deprecating them once they become GA. The API group is no
different. The upcoming Kubernetes 1.22 release will remove several deprecated APIs
that are relevant to networking:

  • the API version of IngressClass
  • all beta versions of Ingress: extensions/v1beta1 and

On a v1.22 Kubernetes cluster, you’ll be able to access Ingress and IngressClass
objects through the stable (v1) APIs, but access via their beta APIs won’t be possible.
This change has been in
in discussion since
2019 with
1.16 Kubernetes API deprecations, and most recently in
Graduate Ingress API to GA.

During community meetings, the networking Special Interest Group has decided to continue
supporting Kubernetes versions older than 1.22 with Ingress-NGINX version 0.47.0.
Support for Ingress-NGINX will continue for six months after Kubernetes 1.22
is released. Any additional bug fixes and CVEs for Ingress-NGINX will be
addressed on a need-by-need basis.

Ingress-NGINX will have separate branches and releases of Ingress-NGINX to
support this model, mirroring the Kubernetes project process. Future
releases of the Ingress-NGINX project will track and support the latest
versions of Kubernetes.

Ingress NGINX supported version with Kubernetes Versions
Kubernetes version Ingress-NGINX version Notes
v1.22 v1.0.0-alpha.2 New features, plus bug fixes.
v1.21 v0.47.x Bugfixes only, and just for security issues or crashes. No end-of-support date announced.
v1.20 v0.47.x Bugfixes only, and just for security issues or crashes. No end-of-support date announced.
v1.19 v0.47.x Bugfixes only, and just for security issues or crashes. Fixes only provided until 6 months after Kubernetes v1.22.0 is released.

Because of the updates in Kubernetes 1.22, v0.47.0 will not work with
Kubernetes 1.22.

What you need to do

The team is currently in the process of upgrading ingress-nginx to support
the v1 migration, you can track the progress
We’re not making feature improvements to ingress-nginx until after the support for
Ingress v1 is complete.

In the meantime to ensure no compatibility issues:

  • Update to the latest version of Ingress-NGINX; currently
  • After Kubernetes 1.22 is released, ensure you are using the latest version of
    Ingress-NGINX that supports the stable APIs for Ingress and IngressClass.
  • Test Ingress-NGINX version v1.0.0-alpha.2 with Cluster versions >= 1.19
    and report any issues to the projects Github page.

The community’s feedback and support in this effort is welcome. The
Ingress-NGINX Sub-project regularly holds community meetings where we discuss
this and other issues facing the project. For more information on the sub-project,
please see SIG Network.

Originally posted on Kubernetes – Production-Grade Container Orchestration

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