How To Deploy a Next.js App to App Platform

Next.js is one-of-a-kind framework built on top of React. It lets you build React apps quickly because it comes with features like Image Optimization, Zero Config, Incremental Static Generation, File-system Routing, Code-splitting and Bundling and more.

Next.js deployment is unique in that it lets you deploy a couple different ways:

  • Static Export: You can create all the HTML pages for your site. By generating all of your HTML pages, you can serve static files, which guarantees a fast experience across the entire site. This is a good solution if you have fewer pages and aren’t worried about build times to export your pages to HTML.
  • Custom Server: You can deploy a Node server that will dynamically generate pages or serve static ones. In larger sites, creating a static export of every page can be a time-consuming process. The dynamic approach is good for when you have thousands of pages and don’t want to wait for long build times during a Static Export.

For large sites, a Static Export may not be the best solution. Static Exports can take a long time for sites that have thousands of pages like e-commerce sites or large blogs. A Node.js Custom Server lets you do static incremental regeneration. Instead of generating your entire site’s HTML at once, you can generate pages on the fly. This is beneficial because you don’t have to wait to build/export your entire site; you can generate it as users visit each page.

In this tutorial, you will deploy a Next.js application to DigitalOcean’s App Platform using a Static Export and a Custom Server. App Platform is a Platform as a Service (PaaS) that lets you deploy applications from a GitHub repo.


To complete this tutorial, you will need:

Creating a Basic Next.js Application

You’ll need a Next.js application to deploy to App Platform, so in this step you’ll create one with create-next-app, the CLI tool to generate new starter Next.js apps. You can also find the completed app at the DigitalOcean Community GitHub repository.

First, create the Next.js app with the create-next-app command using npx:

  • npx create-next-app my-next-app

This creates the my-next-app directory, initializes the directory as a Git repository, and makes an initial commit:

npx: installed 1 in 2.201s Creating a new Next.js app in /Users/brianhogan/Dropbox/work/do/articles/67580_next_app_platform/my-next-app. Installing react, react-dom, and next using npm... ... Initialized a git repository. Success! Created my-next-app at /Users/brianhogan/Dropbox/work/do/articles/67580_next_app_platform/my-next-app Inside that directory, you can run several commands: npm run dev Starts the development server. npm run build Builds the app for production. npm start Runs the built app in production mode. We suggest that you begin by typing: cd my-next-app npm run dev

Switch to the my-next-app directory:

  • cd my-next-app

DigitalOcean App Platform deploys your code from GitHub repositories, so you’ll need to push your local repository to GitHub. The create-next-app command already made an initial commit, so you don’t have to commit your files first.

Open your browser and navigate to GitHub, log in with your profile, and create a new repository called sharkopedia. Create an empty repository without a README or license file.

Once you’ve created the repository, return to the command line to push your local files to GitHub.

First, add GitHub as a remote repository:

  • git remote add origin

Next, rename the default branch main, to match what GitHub expects:

  • git branch -M main

Finally, push your main branch to GitHub’s main branch:

  • git push -u origin main

Your files will transfer.

With your files in GitHub, you can deploy your app. First, you’ll deploy your app as a static site.

Deploying Next.js as a Static Site

To deploy the Next.js app to App Platform as a Static Site, you’ll use Next’s built-in commands to generate all of your HTML files. You first call next build, followed by next export. To make it easier, create a single npm run export command that calls both.

Open package.json in your editor and add the following export script to the file:

"scripts": {
    "dev": "next dev",
    "build": "next build",
    "start": "next start",
    "export": "npm run build && next export -o _static"

The export command runs npm run build first, which in turn runs next build. It then runs next export. App Platform looks for HTML files in a _static folder, so this command uses the -o switch to create the folder that App Platform wants to see and populate it with the static files.

You can run this command locally and see the new _static folder.

  • npm run export

The command generates the files:

info - Creating an optimized production build info - Compiled successfully info - Collecting page data info - Finalizing page optimization Page Size First Load JS ┌ ○ / 3.44 kB 65 kB ├ └ css/9a89afcbe95084ea8b90.css 703 B ├ /_app 0 B 61.6 kB ├ ○ /404 3.44 kB 65 kB └ λ /api/hello 0 B 61.6 kB + First Load JS shared by all 61.6 kB ├ chunks/f6078781a05fe1bcb0902d23dbbb2662c8d200b3.ca31a7.js 11.3 kB ├ chunks/framework.9116e7.js 41.8 kB ├ chunks/main.d1e355.js 7.3 kB ├ chunks/pages/_app.333f97.js 529 B ├ chunks/webpack.e06743.js 751 B └ css/6e9ef204d6fd7ac61493.css 194 B

You now have to commit your code to GitHub so that you can update your GitHub repo for deploying to App Platform.

First, add the _static folder to the .gitignore file so you don’t check it in. Open .gitignore in your editor and add these lines to the end:

# static folder for DigitalOcean App Platform

Save the file and return to your terminal.

Run the following command to add the changed files:

  • git add -A

Create a commit:

  • git commit -m "adding export command"

Push the code to GitHub:

  • git push

Once the code is pushed, go into your DigitalOcean App Platform Dashboard and create a new app by pressing the Create App button.

Select the GitHub repository that contains your app and press Next:

Choose the region you and your customers are closest to, and ensure that the main branch is selected. Select Autodeploy code changes to ensure that App Platform redploys your application whenever you push code changes to GitHub:

App Platform will detect that you have a Node.JS app. Change the type from Web Service to Static Site. Then change the build command to use the new export command you created by entering npm run export:

Press Next to move to the next step.

On the final page, select the Starter plan and press the Launch Starter App to deploy your app. You’ll see your new live URL in your dashboard.

Visit the link to see your site deployed.

You have successfully deployed Next.js as a Static Site to App Platform. Next, you will see how to deploy Next.js as a Custom Server to take advantage of the Incremental Static Generation feature that Next.js offers.

Deploying Next.js as a Custom Server

In addition to deploying Next as a static site, you can deploy it as a custom server. This means that you are deploying a Node server that can serve pages dynamically or statically.

The process is called incremental static regeneration. Next will wait for a user to visit a page and then generate the static HTML for that page. If a second user visits that same page, Next will serve the static file instead of generating it dynamically.

Next already has this feature built in using its next start command in the package.json scripts. All you have to do to use it with App Platform is to pass it a host and a port. App Platform listens by default on on port 8080.

To configure this, update the start script in package.json and specify the port and host. Open package.json in your editor and modify the start command so it looks like the following:

"scripts": {
    "dev": "next dev",
    "build": "next build",
    "start": "next start -H -p ${PORT:-8080}",

Save the file.

You now have to commit your code to GitHub so that you can update your GitHub repo for deploying to App Platform. Run the command:

  • git add -A

Create a commit:

  • git commit -m "Changing start command for App Platform"

Push the code to GitHub:

  • git push origin main

Now you can deploy this Next.js app to App Platform as a Web Service. You’ll be deploying from the same GitHub repo. The main differences are that you’ll choose Web Service instead of a Static Site and you’ll also change your build command.

First, visit your DigitalOcean App Platform Dashboard and create a new app.

Select your repository from GitHub:

Then name the application, choose your region, and ensure you’re using the main branch:

Press Next to continue.

Then ensure that the Type is set to Web Service. Use npm run build as the Build Command and npm start as the Start command:

Press Next to continue.

Now choose the type of plan. Since this isn’t a static site, you won’t be able to use the Starter plan. Choose the Basic plan.

Choose the 1GB Ram | 1 vCPU option for the Container, and leave the Number of Containers set to 1. Then press Launch Basic App.

After a short time, your app is deployed. You can follow the URL displayed to visit your app in the browser.

As you make changes to your code and push them to your main branch on GitHub, your application will automatically redeploy.


In this tutorial, you deployed Next.js two separate ways: as a Static Site and as a Custom Server. You can use one of the two strategies depending on your app or site’s needs.

Moving forward, you can look further into what App Platform has to offer. You may want to add a Web Service and a Database to create your own API that your Next.js app can consume, or use Next’s API Routes to create a small API. Look through the App Platform docs to see what other features you can take advantage of when building and deploying your apps.

Originally posted on DigitalOcean Community Tutorials
Author: Chris On Code

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