Performance Improvements to Role Strategy Plugin

The task for my Google Summer of Code program was to improve the performance
of the Role Strategy Plugin. The performance issues for Role Strategy Plugin
had been reported multiple times on Jenkins JIRA. With a large number of roles
and with complex regular expressions, a large slow-down was visible on the Web UI.
Even before GSoC started, there were a number of patches which tried to improve
performance of the plugin (by Deepansh Nagaria
and others).

At the time, there was no way to reliably measure improvements in performance.
Therefore, we started by creating a
for running micro-benchmarks on Jenkins Plugins. Benchmarks using the framework
were added to the Role Strategy Plugin find performance
critical parts of the plugins and to measure the improvements of a change.
This blog post summarizes the changes that were made and performance improvements

Caching matching roles

A couple of major changes were made to the Role Strategy Plugin to improve its
performance. First, we started collection of roles that matched a given
project name. The Role Strategy plugin before version 2.12 used to run over
regular expressions for every role that it had for every permission checking
request it got. Storing this produced set of roles in the memory provides us
large improvements in performance and avoids repeated matching of project names
with regular expressions. For keeping the plugin working securely, we invalidate
the cache whenever any update is made to the roles.

After this change, we were able to observe performance improvements of up to
3300%. These improvements were visualized using
JMH Visualizer.

More information is available at pull request on GitHub:

Calculating Implying Permisions when plugin is loaded

Jenkins’ permission model allows one permissions to imply other permissions.
When a permission check is made, we need to check if the user has any of
permissions that would imply this permisison. For every permission checking
request that that the Role Strategy, it used to calculate all the implying
permissions. To avoid this, we now calculate and store implying permissions
for every permission in the Jenkins system when the plugin gets loaded.

After both of these changes, we were able to experience improvements of up to
10000%. The benchmark results show it better:

More information about this change can be found at the GitHub pull request:

Both of these changes were integrated into the Role Strategy Plugin and the
improvements can be experienced starting with version

Bonus: Configuration-as-Code export now works for Role Strategy

With Configuration-as-Code plugin version
and above, export of your configuration as YAML now works!

As an alternative to
Role Strategy Plugin, I also created the brand new Folder Authorization Plugin.
You can check out the blog post for
more information about the plugin.

I would love to hear your comments and suggestions. Please feel free to reach
out to me through either the
Role Strategy Plugin Gitter chat or through
Jenkins Developer Mailing list.

Originally posted on Jenkins Blog
Author: abhyudayasharma

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